Monday, April 20, 2015

Blog 5: Lost Girl - Summary and POV

The main character in Lost Girl is Cheyenne. She's blind and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. When her step mom left Cheyene laying down in there Escalade while she went to buy medicine for Cheyene's cold. A man named Griffin decided to steel the Escalade and didn't realize that someone was in it. So now a blind girl that's the daughter of Nike's President has been kidnapped. Now Griffin and his Dad are trying to figure out what to do with her. They decide there going to give her back but Cheyenne wonders if they will give her back safely.

The point of view in Lost Girl is third person. This is different then most books I read. It is different because the narrator know everything about both characters. I know it is third person because the book doesn't use I. It always uses name or she did this or something like that. I kind've like the idea that the narrator isn't the main character. I feel it gives a better perspective. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Blog 4: The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die - Summary and Character Analysis

Cady has finally remember everything. She realized that her "Aunt Liz" wasn't really her aunt. She was the Vice President for Z-Biotech (The company the parents worked for and are running for) and she was trying to see what Cady knew. Cady and Ty overpowered her and tied her up. She got in contact with her parents and figured everything out. She had to go back to Z-Biotech to get a vaccine. While there Mark (the CEO of Z-Biotech) showed up and pulled a gun on her and Ty. There was an explosion and all of them ended up in the hospital. They all ended up ok.

Cady is the main character in this story. She is very smart and she loves to act. This love for acting helps her out a lot through out the book. Through out her journey she met a guy named Ty. He was very humble and even though he saw that Cady was in trouble and helping her could get him also killed he decides to help. They work together and figure out whats going on. Those are the two main characters and I guess the other characters could be her parents. They don't really show up until the end. They are very smart and don't allow Z-Biotech to do the things they wanted to do even though it could get them in a lot of trouble with the company.

Blog 3: The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die - Summary and Conflict

In The girl who was supposed to die Cady is getting answers. She found out that she lives in Portland.  Her and Ty travel to Portland to see if it helps her remember anything or find something or someone that can help. They get in touch with an aunt of Cady's. Cady doesn't remember her but she know whats going on. She explains it to Cady and explains that Cady needs to figure out what the men wanted and where it is. This would help her find her parents.

The conflict in The Girl Who was Supposed to Die is that Cady the main character can't remember anything. She is starting to realize who she is but she can't remember the thing she needs to remember most. This conflict is Person vs Self because Cady is fighting with herself to remember the things she needs to remember. Its her only hope to finding and helping her parents and she can't remember.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Native American Analysis Blog Post

American Indians were marginalized by being kicked out of there homes and put in reservations without many resources. The Indian chiefs allowed the children to be sent to boarding schools and be educated. What they didn't know was these schools made for more then just the purpose of educating indians. The schools were setting out to "kill the indian, save the man" This meant that they were making the kids forget there indian traditions while being turing into American. According to the article once the chiefs found out about this and started taking the kids back the government started forcing American Indians to send there children to these schools. This made the indians feeling marginalized and like if they didn't have any control of what happened to there kids.

The purpose of Shanice's Essay was to inform. She wanted to inform people about how she lived and explain that besides being an Indian she still did normal things that we do. In the article Shanice said that she lived in a house with electricity and running water. She also explains that she also wears and does traditional Indian things but only on certain occasions. By saying these things she shoes that she's not different just because she's Indian. She does normal things and tradition things just like other people.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Blog 2: The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die - Summary and POV

In The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die Katie met a boy named Ty. He is helping her figure out what to do and remember her past. She finds out that Katie isn't her real name. It's Candece. There are men looking for her and she know these people aren't good people. She's not sure who she could trust. Her and Ty are trying to answer some of these questions.

The point of view in "The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die" is first person. Candece the main character is telling the story. Through out the story she explains the things that are happening to her. She talks about the things she is doing to answer the questions she has and stay safe. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Blog 1: The Girl Who Was Supposed To Die - Summary and Genre

Katie is the main character in The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die. She doesn't remember who she is. She only remembers from the point she woke up tied up in a cloest. A man had orders to kill her and he was taking her out into the woods to do just that. Katie overlowered him and got alway, in the process she accede try killed him. She takes his car and gies to a near by security station at a resort. The officer starts to help her when he gets a call with a story that contradicts Katie. She's an escaped mental patent according to the "Docter" that calls.

The genre of the story is Fiction. I think it's fiction because it is highly unlikely for this to happen in real life. The events in this book never happened in real life and the book wasn't based on actual events. That makes it fiction. I am not sure what kind of fiction. I think that maybe The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die could be teen fiction because it is about a teenage girl and the book was written for teens because some of the events and words they use.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Tolerance: The ability or willingness to allow the existence, occurrence or practice of something in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.
Tolerance to me means to accept others the way they are.  I believe that even though some people believe other things or are different they can still be accepted.